Much Music (Yay! No GH content!)

Erin Minaker ([email protected])
Tue, 01 Sep 1998 19:32:15 PDT

Hey there everybody,

Just a note to say that I am emailing Much Music on Tuesday September
8th to request U2 on Much on Demand. Feel free to email too! The addy is
[email protected]
Because "if God will send his Angels" has been on the show twice, I
think they will be reluctant to play it again, so I am requesting 'ONE'
- the restaurant version. If you don't want to request this vid, by all
means pick another one. I will be happy to see ANYTHING by U2 on the
show. Let's all cross our fingers now!
I know that there are at least 31 of us out there, so do your part and
email much music!
"WE Want U2! We want U2!"


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