Just dumbness

[email protected]
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 02:03:06 EDT

This is what happens when you "dialectizer" in Elmer Fudd mode. It made me
laugh so hard...well, never mind. This is my favorite U2 song, known to make
me cry. Now, it's tears of laughter.

Achtung Baby


Is it getting bettew
Ow do you feew the same
Wiww it make it easiew on you
Now you got someone to bwame
You say
One wove
One wife
When it's one need
In the night
It's one wove
We get to shawe it
It weaves you baby
If you don't cawe fow it
Did I disappoint you?
Ow weave a bad taste in youw mouth?
You act wike you nevew had wove
And you want me to go without
Weww it's too wate
To dwag tha past out
Into the wight
We'we one
But we'we not the same
We get to cawwy each othew
Cawwy each othew
Have you come hewe fow fowgiveness
Have you come tow waise the dead
Havew you come hewe to pway Jesus
To the wepews in youw head
Did I ask too much
Mowe than a wot
You gave me nothing
Now it's aww I got
We'we one
But we'we not the same
We huwt each othew
Den we do it again
You say
Wove is a tempwe
Wove a highew waw
Wove is a tempwe
Wove the highew waw
You ask me to entew
But then you make me cwaww
And I can't be howding on
To what you got
When aww you got is huwt
One wove
One bwood
One wife
You got to do what you shouwd
One wife
Wif each othew
One wife
But we'we not the same
We get to cawwy each othew
Cawwy each othew

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