Another Time Another Place question

Zorro ([email protected])
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 11:49:21 +0200

hi there,
good to be back on wire:) it's been a looooooooong time since i last went on
the net... but the holiday was fantabulous:)

now my question: i heard there was a different version of Another Time
Another Place, in which the weird german (?) lyrics at the end were replaced
by some english words. does anyone have this version? what are the english
lyrics? also, if anyone knows the german words that are on the album
version - i'm dying to know what they mean!

another thing here before i'm gone... i've only found out about the greatest
hits release a few days ago, and i must say i'm rather put off by this, to
put it lightly :( i'm wondering now, who is it that they're releasing this
for? i'm a bit confused...


p.s. ...which doesn't mean that i won't buy the GH album once it's out;) how
does it go again?... 'obsession is a good thing!' yay!

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