Re: Fundraiser Wrap-up!

History's Greatest Monster ([email protected])
Sun, 13 Sep 1998 01:10:05 -0500

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998 22:11:20 -0500 (CDT) Elena Espinoza
<[email protected]> writes:
>heidi. you forgot one very important person without whom
>none of this would have been possible.
>on behalf of WIRE (and people are welcomed to join in, please)
>and ONE and just humanity in general, i'd like to thank you,
>heidi dutton, for taking it upon yourself once again this year
>to raise money for amnesty international in our name. as a good
>friend would say, you GO girl, and your badass fundraising self!

is it okay for strangers to comment on her badass fundraising self? as
always, a great job done by ms. dutton, you definately do go girl;) If
it wasn't for people like heidi dutton, Wire might only be known for the
constant bickering and other related oddities . . . you know, it's like
her efforts for good greatly outweigh our collective mentality to be a
bunch of wankers . . . so thanks to heidi for her AI efforts and for
keeping us from looking like a bunch of wankers!!

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