Golden Age of Pop and Other Things Besides

Anna L. Hight ([email protected])
Sun, 13 Sep 1998 23:22:17 -0400

Hi everyone!

See? All U2 has to do is something sickroom and I'll come crawling out of
the woodwork. :)

Robbie Robinson spaketh:

>>Someone contacted them a Propaganda last week and part of what
they found out was that the list for the B-Side CD is changing
every day. The boys can't make up their minds what they want
on it.<<<

So, that's where I say they let *us* decide (I mean the fans at large, not
Wire, because Wire is not the end-all be-all of global U2 fandom, hard as
it may be to believe). Didn't they have something in Prop a while back
where they asked people to send in their wishlists for a U2 greatest hits?
It's a little cliche, but hey - so's a greatest hits.

>>>>>I do, however, feel that the "Best Of" album will be a bigger seller
outside the U.S. than in (as was "Zooropa", OS1 and "POP")
for U2 seems to be gaining more of an international audience
while losing some of their U.S. audience. <<<<

Those Best Of records seem to sell like mad, don't they? Aerosmith's "Big
Ones" sold more than most of their other recent efforts, and it seems like
every time I glance at the charts in the back of Rolling Stone, there's a
Greatest Hits album in there, somewhere. I think it's pretty inane for
*anyone* to speculate about album sales before the actual album is even
packaged, you know? I won't even hazard a guess, because, to be truthful, I
just don't care. I'm not sure I'll buy this record, although I admit to
temptation. I might out of necessity - it'd be nice to not have to put
37463475646 CDs in the changer to hear specific songs if they're all on one

But then, by the same token, I could do that right now.

Excuse me.


Okay, I just put in PopMart Leeds '98. :-)

>>>With that in mind, could the release of this "Best Of"
really be a way to pull U.S. audiences back to U2?<<<

I think that the only way they're going to pull back the fickle US
audiences is to be a little less innovative and a little more... pop.
*sigh* Which, I guess, means that I think the Best Of would probably do that.

Hey, how about The Golden Age of Pop as a title for the first CD? Then,
subsequent albums can be titled "Glorify the Past" and "While the Future
Dries Up."

I'm being snarky, aren't I? Lawd.

I'll just wait for the new record, whenever they get around to it. In the
meantime, I have Luka to keep me busy. :-)

(Subliminal message: Buy Luka Bloom's 'Salty Heaven' - released in the US
in November, available in the UK, Ireland, Europe and Australia now.)

A pointless return, I know, but there's not much else to do around here.
Sigh. Guess I'll go... paint the cat.

~A <- doin' a little east-coast swing...

"Did I say something true? Oops, I didn't know I couldn't talk about you.
(What was I thinking?)"

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