The Greatest Hits - the Death Knell of U2....

[email protected]
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 02:38:40 EDT

Hey all - Your friendly (depressed ) neighborhood Abe here -

Yeah yeah , I know its been a loooong time since I've posted and started a
flame war on here , but seriously folks , you guys are hard to get along with

About the greatest hits album - I swear I feel like just vomiting , like I
found out the somebody was dead or something... For years I've been able to
hold U2 at a level high above other 'great' bands , because they never wasted
their time on such an immobile project as a 'Greatest Hits' album. But I guess
its here... The King is dead ...

I truly felt that POP continued their domination of the rock music world -
once again they tried new and different things - once again they redefined
their sound , successfully . Once again they wrote great and timeless songs -
it was like all of the previous albums had a face on POP. And most of all they
PROVED they were still around - still had good ideas - still changing - still
relevant !!!! They did it ! We're in our middle 30's and we still rock !!! And
guess what - we could do some more !!

While I have been waiting and wondering , much like before POP for news of the
new album , snapping at the tid bits of info on Prarit and Zoo nation about a
new album , I felt so great !!!New material - Band is invigorated - The Best
stuff of all ! -

I was shocked to find this (GH)Greatest Hits project. Not only a GH project
but a marketing ploy - ( buy it the first week , get a special collection of
B-sides - that ,by the by, only you REAL hard core fands will like them and by
the by you probably already HAVE them all on your singles ) . Im just stunned
!!! I never expected this from U2 - I really didnt - Live albums , Shirts etc
, but never a regurgitation of music that has been imprinted on my mind
forever... U2 has always moved forward , but now they are ....stuck ... and
apparently are headed backwards to the past....

Bono - ( Embrace the Future - Fuck the PAST !!!)

I... don't know what else to say , just that I'm sure I'll buy it as a
collector's item more than anything , enjoy the little tidbit (reworked
Sweetest Thing ) for real U2 fans , bur know that it was done to get me to
spend exorbitant amount of money on my musical heroes...

Bono - ( We have this deal with our fans... They give us a SHITload of money
and ask us one thing - DON't be fucking BORING... )

Well , Bono , Edge , Adam, Larry - for the first time EVER , I can honestly
say you broke the deal , let me down... etc.....

Now im sure there are people out there that are going to say - hey , give them
a break, theyve been around 20 years and it will be cool, having that GH album
to listen too. Yeah , you're right , but like so many of you have observed ,
its around the time that the GH albums come out , that old bands start to
think about moving on... I cant imagine this , i mean U2 could be leaving ...
oh my god... Its reallly here - that day we all dreaded , the day that we know
they are headed out... if not tommorow then a week from now a year ... who
cares its getting late in the saga of U2 and I for one really hate it. Do you
feel the anticipation of a new album ? That special feeling - WHATS NEXT ?
What will it be ? And that moment when you FIRST here their new songs, the new
sound , see the new image - the AWE. The need to hear it again and again until
you know the lyrics and can air guitar to the riffs... Could it be ending soon

I've always looked over at a friend of mine who was a huge Beatles fan,
grasping to his collection of (dead) music. Those CD's sat on a shelf as a
ghost of the Beatles- what they were - how they made people feel- Knowing that
it was over - Lenon was dead. No more - EVER. I watched him scamper for the
Beatles anthology and felt guilty that all he was hearing was filler between
the album cuts - not what he was seeking - that NEW tune , that NEW direction.
I must admit that I felt afraid for the time that I was rushing out to buy the
U2 Anthology - but I told myself that day was FARRRRRR away - but is it here
??? Has it arrived ? If it has, I think Im going to just... I think those of
you who feel as I do know what I'm feeling. A tight clinching feeling in your
chest that leaves you with short breath - a realization of something awful and

EDGE - if you are out there - write me and say that you guys will be around
for 5-10 more years !!! Say you'll leave me with at least 5 more NEW albums
!!! PLEASE ! PLEASE ! Get me off my knees !!! You'll never know how you make
us fans feel !

Ugh , I've just gone and gotten disgusting and whiny and ... so like those die
hard U2 fans that I depise that wash the floor with their hearts on every
posting... But for once, I'm right there with you guys... Just sad ... and
truly sad.....

Abe :(

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