Why R wE supposed to Rattle and Hum on Dec 9th?

Peter ([email protected])
Sun, 20 Sep 1998 22:55:25 -0400

silly me -I should have seen this coming

As some of you might not know on Dec 9th , 1998 will the 18th
anniversary of u2's first performance in Canada and I(with very
little){thnx a lot fellow canuckers}is organizing a showing of Rattle
and Hum on a big screen on Dec 9th with prizes given away and pre show
drinks at a nearby PUB-this is all happening in Toronto, Ontario CANADA!

PLEASE PLEASE spread the word around and send e-mail interest replys to
the following address [email protected] or [email protected]

some key details r

cost: 10 bucks-2 going to the hospital for sick kids
Place: music hall theatre in Toronto

stay tuned for http: site with maps and photos

thxn for the space
Peter 4menu2

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