Re: mason/the meaning of faggot

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 07:45:09 -0700

Sharon Winsatt wrote:
> For everyone's information... The words 'faggot' and 'gay' are slowly
> undergoing a transformation some elementary and middle schools
> there is a trend of using the above words to mean someone who is stupid
> or crazy. The phrase 'you're so gay' is being thrown about not to mean
> sexual orientation but rather 'you are so stupid...' Now you might run
> out and grab the nearest school-age kid and ask them this and they have
> no idea what you are talking about so let me make it clear that it is
> only a growing trend in some parts of the country. I thought it was a
> locale thing until I heard someone comment about it on television!!!
> Words change and we can't do a whole heck of a lot about it.(I remember
> when 'gay'meant happy)...and how do I know all this?...from my own
> kids...and my niece in the next school district...and from working all
> summer at a boy scout camp where there were scouts from the DC area and
> other parts of the country...I keep trying to get my kids to stop
> because I didn't want people to think our family was a bunch of raging
> homophobes..but my kids assured me that people their own age would
> understand what they were saying. I hope so... once a catch phrase
> catches on there is only so much you can do. Who knows how this got
> started. I'm only passing on information here...
> Sharon W.

I know your only passing on information here Sharon, but this
information is kind of distressing.
Of course, they are using the term's faggot and gay now to mean
stupid or crazy, because faggots and gays are considered stupid
and crazy (among other things) in this society. That's how a slang
word start. Slang words reveal a lot about a people's views.
Kids in school have their own little slang that is specific to
that age group. I just wonder what the kids that are gay in
those schools feel about the term being used that way.
I mean, the suicide rate among teenage gays is high enough
If the term of, say, Chinese, started to be used to mean stupid
and crazy, I can imagine how Chinese students would feel
about it.


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