Bad seller/buyer alert (2)

Queen Bee ([email protected])
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:21:42 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Wire,

I tried sending this yesterday but evidently it never went through.

I rather hate to do this because I've spoken to both of the people
involved and they seem very nice. There's no denying that I'm a
little ticked off now, though.

1. Roach: After asking me to pick up a ticket for him to one of the
Popmart shows I was attending, he disappeared from sight. He made no
efforts to contact me and no response to my calls and e-mails for
details on where to meet before the show, etc. The day before the
concert I finally reached him only to learn that "something had come
up" and he couldn't go. Obviously he saw no need to inform me of
this. I ended up selling his ticket to a scalper (and losing plenty
of money), and he never made an offer to reimburse me for even part of
the ticket price. I don't want to get into a big debate about
scalpers but I might add that these were 3rd row seats for which I
paid an admittedly exorbitant price. (But hey, Edge smiling at me was
worth it. :-)) Since then, none of my e-mails have been returned.

2. Aingeal: I purchased U-Toons from Aingeal back in April of 1997,
and I have yet to see them. I bought the U-Toons from her with the
idea that the money she would earn would allow her to go to a Popmart
show; she had mentioned being unable to attend due to the high ticket
prices. It ended up that Aingeal saw, I believe, all the US Popmart
shows and several of the European ones as well. I have accepted any
number of excuses (floods, lost in the mail, etc.), always with a
promise to get them out to me ASAP. I have given up any hope of ever
receiving them. My e-mails to her are also failing to produce any

I freely admit that part of the problem is my willingness to trust
someone I evidently don't know well enough. I have met Aingeal, and
spoken to Roach several times on the phone, and I honestly didn't
think they were untrustworthy people. I thought that big U2 fans
wouldn't take advantage of other big U2 fans trying to do something
nice for them. It appears I was wrong.

In closing I'd like to say thank you to all the honest people out
there, without whom life would be very bleak indeed. Cynicism and
modernity go together like wooded highways and roadkill.

Queen Bee w (V)
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