Re: Montana Wirelings?

Mark&Jen ([email protected])
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 06:03:17 -0700

>Also, there's a pretty
> >good radio station here, 97.5 The Peak, that plays u2 everyday, can you
> >imagine?

   Funny that you should mention The Peak. It so happens that I live in
 central Washington and I was none too happy about the fact that my
 regular station ignored POP and my requests to play any U2. Well, lucky
 for me, their signal went down (the station is in Spokane, as is The
 Peak)a few months ago, so I started looking for another station. I
 finally found some tolerable music when what did I hear...... NYD!! I
 just about piddled in my panties! Then after the song they said
 something like "If it's U2, you must be listening to THE PEAK!"
 Needless to say the Peak is my station of choice now.
   Another funny thing (just to babble a bit more) is that I just sent
 The Peak an email asking them to get on the RA live broadcasting
 thing(hehe, sorry forgot what it's called) I know that, dare I say,
   inferior stations such at KZZU are available for listening over the web.
  So help me out... send them an email too!! :)

 or check to see if your favorite station is broadcasting on the web!


 Between the horses of love and lust we are trampled, underfoot.

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