Re: Hanover/Khufu

PATTY CULLITON ([email protected])
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 21:20:36, -0500

Ah, the fine lass Anne. The perfect example of one of the jealous
fucks I was talking about. I see her getting greener by the moment.

>>As do U2's security<<

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that why Jerry gave me unescorted
all access passes throughout the tour, Anne? Is that why the head of
the entire tour organization told me ahead of time what band hotels I
should book into in SAfrica? Is that why Scott told me I should go
up to the band at the hotel pool in Johannesburg? Is that why David
told my friends and I to go up to Bono and Larry having coffee in the
hotel in Cape Town? Is that why Paul McGuinness has met with me and
offered his advice regarding the music business, in his office, in

Tell me (and everone else), what *IS* the real truth about me, Anne?
You trumpet to know so much and yet prove to know so little, next to
nothing actually. You have never spoken to me and know fuck-all
about me. All you seem to know, but refuse to admit is that you were
jealous on Prodigy and you are still jealous on Wire.
Cheers, ma'am.


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