OOPS!! A typo!

[email protected]
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 13:12:02 -0400

Hi, me again,

Just wanted to correct a mistake I made in my earlier post. The name of
that Rankins album is "Fare *THEE* Well Love" not Fare _the_ Well Love like
I mistakenly typed. Just in case anyone is interested in getting that CD or
any of the other stuff the Rankins have out. It's great Celtic music!

Oh, now for U2 content here....anyone notice in those pictures from a
couple of days ago at the Amnesty Dublin sign up how lovely Bono's *longer*
hair is looking?? =o)) My, my, my! Mmmmhmmm!

Faith, Hope and LOVE,


Sitting here all by myself....and sometimes one's a crowd.

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