Bitch,Bitch, Bitch............Bitch & Moan!!!!!

Scott Smith ([email protected])
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 10:58:30 -0800 (PST)

Why isn't Gloria on it?
What, no 40, how could they?
I hate the R&H Bsides, they suck!
I want Boomerang and A Celebration!
I love the Joshua Tree!

Buy a blank tape and make you own
GH then go FUCK OFF! My 18 yr old
sister likes it, and she's who they
made it for(she only has AB & Pop).
I wish all you whining cAcks who hate
the new stuff would stop buying their
albums & tickets so I could enjoy a
front row seat.

Rock On


P.S.-Send me your flames, cause
i'm sipping on a gasoline cocktail!

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