J... you are a real piece of work.

Tim Both ([email protected])
Sun, 12 Jul 1998 17:00:43 +0930

Hey all,

J said this...

> > 2. Calvin had a very battered childhood with his step parents
> > sexually and physically abusing him. It was in the early 80's and his
> > step parents always listened to th October album. One time Calvin
> > asked "What are you listening to daddy?", then his dad replied "Well,
> > it's October from the October album you dumbass! For that I will beat
> > you up and molest you everyday for the month of October!"

I know that the idea of this was to poke fun at someone else but the use
of the above was a little below the belt don't you think?

As someone who has worked with kids like the ones you mention I can
quite safely say that you are a very, very, very big sack of shit!



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