Re: Las Vegas Radio fail's us again-no Rockline!!!!

Marc Virata ([email protected])
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 07:03:42 -0800 (PST)

KOMP played new U2 up the ying-yang when tix went on sale for the
Vegas Popmart. Even 107.5 was playing Discotheque, which I found very
strange. They jump on the bandwagon when U2's hot. But I won't
criticize KOMP for not playing anything post Rattle & Hum, they along
with the rest of Vegas radio are very much format driven -- you won't
hear hip hop/machine/techo sounding beats on KOMP or KKLZ no matter
who the artist is, they're very much old-school rock and roll. Just
like you'll hear them playing heavier Beatles tunes, but you'll never
hear them play "Here There and Everywhere" or "Yesterday." That's
just reality.

Vegas radio has suprised me in a positive way at times. Years ago
KKLZ broadcasted Westwood's Dublin show -- I called every station in
town trying to find out if anyone would carry it, they did. The Edge
had some lame excuse about not having a transmitter to receive the
feed otherwise they would. KKLZ even broadcasted the Sydney show
twice! If anything, it's funny that KKLZ won't ever really play
anything post Rattle & Hum, but they'll play U2 concerts. KKLZ
probably would have broadcasted Rockline if they had the opportunity
to. They were always cooler than the Edge in my opinion cause they
did go out of their format in these cases.

Vegas radio has never really had a station that's brave enough to play
whatever they want without care for what "format" they fit under.
When I'm in Denver, Alice 106 is a station that's different from
anything I've ever heard in Vegas. They will seemingly play anything
without regards to format or rotation.

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