J's gotta go

Knetsch, Robert ([email protected])
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 09:48:06 -0500

I have not been posting here much, and in this climate I wonder if I should.
However, I am having a real problem with J being generally inhospitable (to
say the least) to people on this site. J, you seem to have some need to
lash out at someone if they rub you the wrong way. First, you sickeningly
insult "calvinthegreat" in a way that I found highly inapproprate and for
which someone already made a comment who works with abused children. While
I was one of the people who told "calvin" to buzz off for his attitude, I
also fully accept his apology, but I don't think I stepped over the line
like J did. Then, John H posts something for which he is unreasonably
assaulted by J. What is wrong with you?

There's something about being behind a screen that makes people think they
can be more insulting and rude. To me, there's some form of cowardice here
as I know they would not do the same if this were a face to face thing.

I guess I am succoming to my own critique by posting this, but I guess that
what makes it so ironic (that my U2 AND Alanis content!!!).

Rob Knetsch

"You can sew it up, but you can still see the tear."

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