Why Wire Is Still The Best U2 Mailing List Around

J ([email protected])
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 09:08:43 -0800 (PST)

     People have put down Wire for being filled with flames and
disagreement of late. Yet, we should all realize that these flames
and points of disagreement are actually harbringers of change. If no
one disgreed and Wire was in harmony, then there would be no room for
improvement, innovation, or change.

     For as long as there is one person who disagrees, it will always
lead those who conform to the majority opinion to have their beliefs
shaken. The fact that what one belived to be absolute id disagreed
upon can call for reexamination.

     Wire is a democratic and free mailing list. Anyone can join and
post anytime, and posts are very rarely deleted. They are usually
kept no matter how non-U2 related they may be. In short, Wire has no
regulation. It is not a totalitarian soceity or a comuunist soceity
where there is regulation. There are OTHER malining lists that are
too much regulated that there is hardly any room for free thought. On
the other hand, Wire is a discussion forum where we are exposed to the
most radical and flammable posts. Yet, there are instances when whhat
used to be a flammable post because the majority opinion.

     My U2 mode of thinking has shifted a lot over the months based on
the opinions I have read on Wire. People I have had heated arguemnts
with have actually opened up my mind to new avenues of possibilites
which I am sure I would never be exposed to in a "closed-regulated"
mailing list like the OTHER mailng list. I'm sure there are many who
have shared the same feeelings as me.

      Proof of the shift in ideals and philoshophies can clearly be
seen in the GH posts. The same people who once accused U2 of selling
out with a GH release are now praising the album and are even
defending the non-inclusion of Gloria, againt the track-listing critics.

     Wire is a mailing list for revolutionary thought. The freedom
and leeway given to the Wirelings is a lot more than that in other
mailing lists (some who even limit their members). The newest and
freshest ideas actually come up first in Wire, in the form of
dissenting opinions and maybe even flames. Wire is freedom. Wire is
change. Wire is for the better. In the end, after the people in the
other mailing lists read their respective mailing lists, they still
turn to Wire to see what's new (no matter how they may try to deny it).




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