WIRE, as the best U2 list

forever curious ([email protected])
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 12:55:50 PST

A curious $0.02 on J's comments:

>>Anyone can join and post anytime, and posts are very rarely deleted.
They are usually kept no matter how non-U2 related they may be. In
short, Wire has no regulation.

True, but this system is not always the best. I guess my point is that,
if there are "rules" made for the list, then the List Manager who made
them should apply them. Otherwise, get rid of the rules and make it a
free-for-all (as it sometimes already is).

>>There are OTHER mailing lists that are too much regulated that there
is hardly any room for free thought....new avenues of possibilites
which I am sure I would never be exposed to in a "closed-regulated"
mailing list like the OTHER mailng list. I'm sure there are many who
have shared the same feelings as me.

Interesting point here, and perhaps this should be discussed further in
our 'open forum'. Like myself, there will be many people on Wire who
will not immediately know to which list you are referring - there are
two that I have heard about: 1) the "ONE" list, maintained by Des
Stukes, which seems pretty interested in a limited system of free-speech
(a lil contradictory, huh?) on U2; and <drool!> the "EXIT" Archive, in
which I believe a U2 fan must be NOMINATED by list members to
participate in discussion - no free admission, so to say. If this
system actually does exist, then shame on anyone (old school
Wirelings???) who is involved in it, for supporting such a closed list.
Neo-Naziism comes to mind. This type of exclusionary (and
discriminatory) practice is exactly what U2 themselves take a stand

So, J, please do tell us exactly which U2 list(s) you are referring to
when you say the "OTHER" list. Don't just hint, as inquiring minds want
to know. Be open. After all, your thoughts will not be deleted,

>>Wire is a mailing list for revolutionary thought.

...and revolutionary daily CD contests <friendly jab!>.


Also, with regards to Wire being the "best" U2 list: I think that it is
too bad that nobody is really discussing the passion of Pop Mart on the
respective one-year anniversaries (hinting that a lot of the people who
posted while during the tour last year are no longer around). The BEST
part of the tour is quickly coming up, in terms of anniversaries (San
Antonio, Mexico City, SEATTLE!!!, and the Rest of the World!). Let's
bring those memories back, folks!

Not EXITing,


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