U2's next MAY be their LAST?????

Chris Brown ([email protected])
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 14:34:25 -0600

If indeed Zorro is correct about what he/she saw, I would like it if someone
had a URL for MTV Europe and the article relating to this news snippet. If
they are anything like MTV's website in the US, they will have articles on
all the news stories they have on the channel. This seems very much opposed
to all U2 have said in the past. They make the music they want to make and
I never would think they would stop doing what they love just because a
small percentage of fans were turned of by the whole 90's thing, or because
they didn't sell a lot of albums, or whatever. Don't these guys have enough
money and fans to not even let that bother them anymore? I'm hoping this is
not true and I'm still very skeptical about it. I've seen nothing about
this anywhere else and if it was at least on MTV Europe, how come it hasn't
appeared anywhere else?

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