Esprit de Corps Christmas Challenge/Rocktropolis Interview/Popmar t

MacDonald, Laura ([email protected])
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 11:28:11 -0700

Esprit de Corps:
" A common SPIRIT of ENTHUSIASM and DEVOTION to a cause amoung the members
of a group."
(Webster's 2)

Tis the Season!!!! I have had many positive responses regarding the Wire
Christmas Challenge. I want to let WIRE know what I having going on so you
know my actions behind my challenge.
I am :
*having a company potluck Christmas luncheon to raise money and food items
for the Food Bank
*collecting food for the SPCA.
*collecting spare $1 and $2 coins for the Street Cats Rescue Society
*attempting to collect bears for the Annual Christmas Challenge
*And doing stuff for The Christmas Miracle.
*Sent two packages through Operation Christmas Child.

I guess there is no way to write this without sounding obnoxious. I hope
you take this is the way I intend it to sound.- that is I beLIEve in what I
am challenging you all to do. I want to say it doesn't always take your
money to change someone's life. Use your organizational skills and
enthusiasm to guide people into the Christmas spirit of giving.
To keep the U2 content, I asked what song inspires you, etc. I just wanted
to say the whole band inspires me- especially BONO. I cannot help but
admire someone who tries to do the right thing by drawing attention to
subjects and causes. And he does this in a passionate, informed, concerned
way. This is why I like U2. I feel a sense of community with them. On
days when I feel I am alone in my concerns for the world, I POP in an U2 CD
and I feel a sense of understanding and belonging. ("We'll always be the
band that over reaches and takes the hits for it, and that's fine"....Bono
Nov. 98 Rocktropolis Interview)

Since I am at it, I would like to talk about POPMART. I found it
interesting when BONO said they thought fans deserved to have their minds
blown if they had to go to big coliseums to see U2 and he said fans had told
him they'd like to see just the 4 of them in arena.(Rocktropolis Interview)
 I LOVED POPMART. It was an EVENT OF A LIFETIME I will never forget. I
went to 5 shows. I want to express my appreciation for all the thought and
trouble and expense the band went thought to tour this show all over the
world. (Guys, please keep the screen! I have nightmares of being up on the
3rd tier of a huge "somethingDome" and not seeing BONO emote. Watching him
belt out the "say its true, its true" part of New Year's day is chilling and

Thanks for reading and happy Christmas!

"Thank you for giving us a great life. Thanks for sticking with us. I know
it gets tricky sometimes"
Bono, Mexico Dec.1997

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