RE: Good Old U2

Sharon Winsatt ([email protected])
Tue, 01 Dec 1998 05:24:47 PST

 Whenever anyone uses that 'U2' is old stuff on me I usaully turn it
back around on a polite way of course.
 " are telling me I should only like the other words you
think I should let the current trends decide what I other
words I should let someone else decide what I like? YOu surely don't
think that way do you? Don't you think that's rather dangerous..letting
someone else control your mind like that?"

  I might say something along the lines of " I would have thought that
you of all people would have moved beyound such 'junior high' way of
'When you are older you will understand all about it...I doubt if you've
reached that point in your developement yet' (make it sound like a
secret club)

or even (this one gets them mad) "Yes..U2 has been around for quite a
while..isn't it interesting how they have remained active while so many
others have fallen by the wayside. I wonder if (fill in the blank with
favorite flash in the pan artist of the other person) will still be
active after 20 years? U2 will probably make it into the R&R Hall of
Fame...think (fill in the blank) will make it?"

Now the above was for use with adults...I usually open a dialogue with
teen-agers and they usually wind up with them agreeeing that U2 is
ok...and they believe they arrived at that conclusion all on their own.

 hehehe...I think what they are thinking is to throw me off with the
'old' comment but I am ready for them.

                           Sharon W.

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