Prince of Monaco

[email protected]
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 10:13:32 +0100 (MET)

>>On another subject, is it only me or does Brian Eno
(now) look a lot like
Albert, the Prince of Monaco?<<

What does the Prince of Monaco look like?
IMHO Brian Eno looks still the same as he ever did.
I saw him in August '98 in Bonn Germany, the event was called
"Conversation with Umbrella, Tape Recorder, Record
Player and Michael Engelbrecht", he said something like
that he is very glad that he has had his career in the seventies,
otherwise he couldn't afford to wear that expensive
Does the Prince of Monaco have nice trousers, too?

BTW he didn't mention U2 at all, no single word... :o(
he just asked the crowd if they could imagine if he
earns some money with his Solo-Projekts, nobody could... ;o)

So thats the true reason why he does work with the boys....

Cheers, Pablo

P.S.: What would you say,if the next U2-Album would
sound like the last Dylan or Willie Nelson Album (both
produced by Dan!!), I think it would be great fun :o)

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