ST Video an apology to ex-fans? (was Re: U2 sell outs???)

Nick Lagwinski ([email protected])
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 22:08:13 -0500


Lee Logan ([email protected]) said...
> I dont know if anyone else saw Katrina Daniels post today (the 15). I
> read some of it and she said that Bono may have been apologizing (with
> the signs that said "I'm really really sorry") to the public in the
> SW98 video for selling out.

   Notice the Copyright to the Jakarta Post? It's quoted from a news
article. Don't kill the messenger.

> does anyone else think she should be banned from Wire for saying they
> sold out??

   Why? Because she quoted someone else's article? Oh please...

   Every fan always seems to make a point about how U2's songs can be
interpreted in a multitude of ways. So it was only a matter of time
before someone posted the observation that the video could be regarded
as an excuse to long-time fans' disappointed with U2's '90s output.
(and wouldn't that come in handy... just as the band begin recording an
album with Danny Lanois and Brian Eno).

   Personally, if this *were* an apology to jaded fans like the article
insinuates, IMO it's genius in the way that it's disguised as an apology
to Ali. To quote (and I'm only doing this for Prarit) Homer Simpson,
"it works on so many levels."

> They are not sell-outs, and the very thought of relating the words
> sell-out to U2 is sacrilege.

   Oho! Here's a direct quote from the article: "U2 in the 1980s
became not just a band, but a religion." What a dead-on observation...

Thank you for your resounding indifference,

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