Iraq again....and Pierrick

Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:34 +0100 (MET)

                Hi U2 lovers !

        Just to make it clearer....and i'm not afraid of Americans...:-D I
only disagree with US politicians. I know USA are not only that. Moreover,
the RS Bono's interview was in nov, so doesn't say anything about his
thoughts on the US bombings.

Matt wrote:
>Subject: I'm Afraid Of Americans/Looking for...
>Every time I hear somebody mention how "convenient" it is for Clinton to bomb
>Iraq, it makes me want to puke......

        In your mind, why US medias prepared public opinion to war ? Look at
your press from last months....The problem is the Butler's report is really
exaggerated, alarmist, to justify the US intervention just now. The best
proof there was no real reason to act just now was given by Clinton himself.
he said the aim was to overthrow S. Hussein, like he couldn't wait a few
days more...don't be credulous. And since when violence is a good answer to
provocation ? Maybe you don't know it exists another report about this,
which says very different things, as for instance ONLY 3 "places" were
refused to UNSCOM inspectors. Butler's report tells S. Hussein didn't
respect at all the agreements he has signed but the other report tells only
little parts of the agreements weren't respected. I don't mean Hussein is a
saint, but i mean the US bombings were exaggerated and especially totally
useless and ineffective to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

>Call me crazy, but
>if a man who has attempted to wage war agaisnt countries that he could not
>defeat is toying with nuclear or biological warfare, and refusing to let the
>U.N. inspect his plants, I sure as hell would like something to be done.....

        Sure, something has to be done but not bombings civilians....Do you
know only about 38% (still not definitive number) targets were hit exactly.
I thought US arms were better than that.

>man waged a war against every powerhouse in the world 7 years ago, he's few
>fries short of a happy meal. I don't know, something about an insane man with
>nuclear/biological weapons KINDA scares me. If anybody is responsible for the
>deaths in Iraq in the previous week, it's their so-called "leader" who
>obviously doesn't care about his people one bit.

        Sure the main worry of Saddam Hussein is to keep power. But are you
so credulous to think US politicians want to take care of Iraqi people ?

>Getting his ass out of power
>over there isn't to benefit America, or England, or anybody else. It's to
>benefit the people of Iraq.

        Sure, but bombing Iraq doesn't help at all Iraqi people to get rid
of Hussein. It even has the opposite effect. Moreover, what's the usefulness
of embargo, except helping the Iraqi people to die ? It's what i was
thinking about yesterday when i wrote (in my previous post) US politicians
are total idiots.

>Now, I have more than my fair share of complaints
>with the United States as a country, and trust me, I am not a victim of
>propaganda. But it is plain to see what is going on in Iraq. This isn't
Vietnam, where the citizens decided to have a communist government and the
U.S. tried to take it away. These people have no voice.

        And i suppose US bombs was intended to help them having a voice ?....

>I believe, if Bono
were speaking, this is the part where he'd say "Am I buggin' ya? I don't mean
to bug ya..."

Pierrick wrote:
>Hey everybody: remember how easy it was for US to kick Allende out and make
>Pinochet President of Chile and how "difficult" it seems to kick out Saddam
>with his 3 soldiers and his 2 tanks... seems like Saddam may be useful where
>he is.

        Waou ! Another french wireling here ? Which agrees with me ? It's
sure USA need to have another enemy now, since it's no more Russians...

PS: Salut a toi Pierrick. Je connais aussi Marko (M. Lefevre). Nous avons
une mailing-list francophone qui s'appelle DFU2, si tu veux venir, pr�viens

        In the name of love


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