Americans and politics

MISS PATRICIA M HEFNER ([email protected])
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 15:59:16, -0500

-- [ From: Patricia Hefner * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

Someone was wondering why it's Americans who are complaining about the
discussion of the Clinton scandal and what the hell should come out of
it. The fact of the matter is that a heck of alot of Americans, yours
truly included, despise politics. Every year there's something else that
makes us trust and respect our leaders less and less, until we are
calling them "so-called leaders". That's why we have such low voter
turnouts--less than half of Americans vote in political elections. This
perjury stuff has been in the newspapers, on the news, on the Internet..
..until some of us feel like strangling the next person who mentions it.
I personally refuse to watch the news because I'm sick of the whole
thing and if the Senate has to convict Clinton, so be it. What with this
media barrage going on I'm going to find out it happened, and that's all
I need to know about the latest bunch of dunderheads in Washington. They
can all jump into the Potomac for all I care. None of them are worth
their weight in sand.


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