Re: to all of you spamming AOL assholes... / REM book mentions U2

Kathryn Bower ([email protected])
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:24:48 -0500

In the past couple weeks I've gotten two spam messages from people who
obviously got my address from this list. I remember a few months back a
bunch of us had this problem...don't tell me it's happening again. *groan*
Both of the messages I got recently were from non-AOL accounts, though.
Regardless of where it comes from, spam sucks! To the people spamming
members of this list: stop it. Now.

OK, some U2 content: this weekend I found a book marked way down at Barnes
and Noble called "REM: From 'Chronic Town' to 'Monster'." (yeah, it's a bit
old, but is an interesting read so far.) Anyway, it has several U2 mentions
as well as a *sweet* picture of Adam and Larry with Mike Mills and Michael
Stipe at the Clinton inauguration in '93. That picture alone is worth the
$2.99 I paid, IMO.

Hope everyone had a happy holiday weekend,
Kathryn :)

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