What's the silliest U2-related thing you've done?

[email protected]
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:18:34 EST

Thought this might be a light-hearted New Year's thread. Me first (but I have
so many to choose from!).

Mysteriously, my super came and put a new door on my apt. He neglected,
however, to repaint our apartment number, 6H. A month or so later, upon
looking at the back of this year's U2 calendar, I had a brainstorm. On the
back was a perfect-sized full-color "U2" and a Pop-era press photo of the band
with white space above and below it. Of course, I couldn't resist placing the
"U2" on the front door and, underneath it, taping the picture with "The
apartment formerly known as 6H" written in the white space. Silly? Yes.
Dorky? Perhaps. But did it get every one of my friends talking about U2?
Yep. I can leap now.

Well, how about it? :-)

Tonight the Moon is a Mirrorball

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