Bono's Sunglasses @

Intergalactic Bono ([email protected])
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 22:38:17 -0800 (PST)


Thanks guys for telling me about the U2 Shopping Mall, I really liked
the site. It was an awesome thrill to see that they had Bono's
Pop-Mart sunglasses.

The only thing that stopped me from ordering them was the fact that
the website's price for the shades was $225 American, or �145 UK. Am I
reading this right, or did the guy who made the page put that 5 in
there by accident?

There is no way I'm paying 200 bucks for a copy of the sunglasses that
Bono bought at a Miami K-Mart for 8 dollars.

It would help me a lot if someone could explain to me why they are so
exspensive or perhaps tell me another place to get a pair. It would be
nice if you e-mailed directly to me so Wire doesn't get crowded.
Thanks a bunch.


PS- The craziest U2-related thing I did was wear my Fly "outfit" to my
high school Homecoming dance back in 9th grade two years ago. My date
dumped me after the dance and some football players made some
interesting comments but it was worth it because the DJ played the
Perfecto Mix of "Even Better Than The Real Thing". I sure made an ass
out of myself trying to be like Bono because non of my high school
friends know about the Zoo TV era and they all thought I was trying to
say something about my sexual orientation with the tight black pants
and chains. It was crazy but still fun.

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