Re: Bono (live) to appear on Maria McKee album

chris n. ([email protected])
Mon, 04 Jan 1999 19:50:37 -0000

>Acording to the January issue of ICE Magazine:

>Bono will appear on the Lone Justice (Maria McKee) >retrospective CD "This World Is Not My Home" (a 17 >track CD) which will be released on January 12 on >Geffen. Says ICE: "Bono pops up on an unreleased version of Lou Reed's 'Sweet Jane.' According to >(Geffen executive) Jeff Magid, "the song was taken >from the tour they did with U2, circa 1985" and that
>"Bono and McKee vamp through the song together." (ICE, >January 1999, pgs. 1 and 11)

According to my findings, the track is actually just Maria McKee joining U2 on stage in Paris on 6-15-87. On the promo it lists the track as "live with Bono", but should in fact be "live with U2". The track has been edited because the portion of the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" they sang is removed.



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