quite a few things

amanda catton-johnson ([email protected])
Mon, 04 Jan 1999 17:36:32 PST

Hello out there to WIRELAND. I don't post often, but I post when I need
information. Here I go...

1. Does anyone out there know how much of an age difference there is
between Ali and Bono? My boyfriend and I got into a discussion about
high school love affairs that proved to be something and got stuck
here... please help?

2. For the millionth and one time someone's asked this, I kick myself,
BUT what is, where is, and is the castle on the front cover of UF still
standing??? Thanx a million for this annoying question. Sorry for my

3. Does anyone know where Amanda Willis is and if she still exsists? If
so, and if you're out there listening Amanda, will you please tell me?

4. Does anyone have a first or second copy of the 11/26/96 U2 in Atlanta
at the Georgia Dome concert????? And if so is there any way I can get a

OKAY for all of these questions, I apologize.... please send answers to
me or over WIRE, seeing that I might have sparked others interests too.
Thanx again.


PS. As for U2 dreams, I used to have them all the time, but now they
seem to have disappeared from my dreams. ?? I only wish for them to
return sometime in the near future.

PPS. Noooo!!! Not a collaboration with Boyzone! Oh god anything but
that!!! Passing the torch? I hardly think so.
Thanx again

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