boots....and other stuff too.

Squire of Dimness ([email protected])
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:42:04 -0600 (CST)

oh my. well. hope everyone had a lovely holiday season, i'm finally get
back in the swing of things, so here i am after not reading wire for about
2 or 3 weeks.

anyway, i wanted to share that even though it was an entirely u2-less
christmas (bummer, i know) i did buy something really cool today. i
bought the "greatest show on earth" sarajevo bootleg. :):) yay for me.
ok, here's my sarajevo boot story. i REALLY really wanted one. and i saw
one, called "promise kept." disc two was useless. then i saw another
one, "hello sarajevo." a KTS boot, a company i'm familiar with and
usually has pretty good stuff. except, get this, NO SUNDAY BLOODY
SUNDAY. i was, like, excuse me? what the fuck is that about? i was
appalled. needless to say, i didn't get it. so today i happened upon the
"greatest show on earth" boot....listened to it (it sounds better than
some of the other boots i've heard, although bono's vocals seem to be
buried, but if i remember, that was a problem @ the show, wasn't it?) and
went ahead and bought it. now, if anyone's heard this sarajevo boot, and
knows of any that are better, PLEASE let me know. i REALLY want a good
copy of it.

what else....oh, i finally saw the ST video on a TV instead of a computer
monitor, yay for me! they are SOOOOOOO cute. anyway, i ask again about
screen captures from this video....someone emailed me when i asked the
first time that they were going to be putting some up....did you?!?!? :)

oh, and i FINALLY saw the mexico city bootleg. WOW. (bubbles!) *laugh*
i loved it.

and i think there was something else super-ultra-important that i wanted
to say, but i forgot. until next time....

hope everything's groovy....


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