I'm afraid there is a 'U2 Sucks Page'

Mellissa Webber ([email protected])
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:55:51 -0800 (PST)

Hey there wire readers,
If you have some spare time on your hands and feel like indulging in
something that will get you into a bad mood, then why not visit about
the only 'U2 Sucks Page' on the web? He does have some valid points,
but most of it is crap really (in my opinion anyway.)
The address is as follows:


Oh, and while your their, visit his flame mail. Some of them really
are funny! Mine is NOT there unfortnatley. I know that sending him
flame mail will not make any difference, but I couldn't resist it.

Just thought someone may be interested...
>From Mel
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