re: U2 hate site

Who needs bathrooms? ([email protected])
Sat, 09 Jan 1999 10:10:17 -0700

> They're commonly called the Ku Klux Klan and other names
> like the Aryan Brotherhood (or something awful like that). It sounds
> like a similar mentality. Gosh, how sick it all is!

Okay, I've stayed out of this until know, simply because I've known
of the existence of 2 or 3 "U2 Hate" pages on the 'net for a while.
I'm not shocked about it, and I put it in the same category as to why
I enjoy wearing my "Kill Bono" T-shirt every now and then :) .

(I think I have links to two of them at U2NEWS, and I can hardly wait
for my "No Bono" shirt to come in the mail...)

To compare a "U2 Hate" page (*even in jest*) to a racist organization
that pillaged black towns, raped women, and performed public hangings of
African Americans(and other "ethnic" groups) to a guy with a strange
sense of humour is ...well... insulting to a great many people reading
your post, Patricia.

Furthermore, and this is directed to the rest of the people responding
about this "U2 Hate" page -- how many of you have cut-down a band/
singing group in the past few months? (My fav'rit target is the Spice
Girls -- not the new "4-some" Spices, but the old Spice girls because
they were sooooo much better then...) Relax, it's someone's opinion --
and that's not a reason to flame him. If he doesn't "see the light",
then too bad. I've met people who have openly said, "God, U2 sucks...
How can you like that band?...What was that album, 'Joshua Tree'?...
etc., etc., etc.,..." I just usually shrug it off...

By emailing the webmaster of the "U2 Hate" page, you're just encouraging
him. It's like a guy who got bored of posting "U2 Sucks" in the

I can't remember the exact interview, or even what era it took place in
-- but I do remember The Edge once stating something to the effect of
"If everyone had the same opinion, it would be a pretty boring place.."

Just my thirty-three "overreacting" cents,


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