When I mentioned the 'U2 Sucks Page'...

Mellissa Webber ([email protected])
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 04:16:42 -0800 (PST)

When I mentioned the 'U2 Sucks Page', I wasn't trying to stir anything
up OK! All I mentioned it for, was so people could see someone else's
point of view. If you don't want to go there, then don't- it's as
simple as that!
God, I wish I'd never said anything! I didn't know everyone would get
so stressed about it! Can we just forget I ever mentioned it!

>From Mel

PS- My message to Lemonade Stan wasn't very nice I know, I'm not
usually like that but I was just returning a message to him. It would
have been rude to ignore him!

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