All the Info you'll ever need on Propaganda

[email protected]
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 11:05:53 EST

This link contains all the info you will need to purchase a subscription to
Propaganda. I suggest if you have received the latest issue 28/29, that you
wait to subscribe until the next issue comes out. They have a tendency to
send you the current issue on the market as a start up (got stuck with two
prop 27's -- not that being stuck with 2 of anything that is divine, umm I
mean U2 is all that bad).

There is an email link on the page, but it is to [email protected]

The info on this page is a direct reprint from the email they will send you
for ordering info. If you are anywhere in the world, this ordering
information is for YOU! You may want to email Prop anyway though, just to
make sure the prices are correct.

Shannon Carey-Thorpe

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0b2 on Sun Jan 10 1999 - 08:07:36 PST