Mofogirl ([email protected])
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 16:46:22 -0700

It's about time! U2 doesn't need to show how cool they are to the
mainstream idiots. I think the state that music is in right now is just
horrible. All I need to do is look to America and see what is on the
charts: rap(Jay-Z, Lauryn Hill), country (Garth Brooks) and cheesy pop
music (N-sync, Britney Spears). It's not so much better up in Canada, but we
are told that whatever if popular, we are supposed to like. I don't think

I find music so boring right now. U2 has always been the group to look at
what's going in, inject some of that into their music, but always make it
sound different. As long as U2 doesn't come out with a country CD, I'll be
happy, But if it's a rock CD, I will buy it and be absolutely thrilled. If
it isn't I'll still be happy. I follow bands, not one hit wonders and I
hope that sometime in the future, all of this crap will end and music will
go back to the groups (I doubt it, but there is always hope.)

Any comments: [email protected]

Now I feel better. Thanks for reading


Call to me
No one is listening
I'm waiting to hear from you love
Bono & Gavin: In the name of the Father

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