how quickly we forget - thoughts on mexico city

Emily Beck ([email protected])
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 18:35:41 PST


feeling confessional, i just wanted to post briefly - the only necessary
background info is that i have been a fan of the band since '84, and
first saw them in '85 - i saw the UF, JT, and ZOO tours - all amazing,
for very different reasons - i didn't warm up to POP until after the
tour had passed me by, but have in the last year or so grown to adore
the record - over the weekend, i bought the mexico city video, and i was
finally able to get a sense of what all the commotion was about -
somewhat unexpectedly, about half way through the tape, as i sat sharing
with my boyfriend my feelings about what i was watching (and what i had
seen of them live, in person, over the last 14 years), i felt this weird
swelling in my chest, this wave - and i thought about how each time i
have come home from a U2 show, i have sat down and cried, out of
happiness, bewilderment, whatever...

i am glad i have had the chance to remember this feeling - i look
foward to having it again very soon...


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