U2,Satanism, DM, Hypo Luxa, Hermes Pan...

alfred alcala ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:57:15 PST

The posts are very interesting but also ridiculous regarding U2,
Satanism, and inverted crosses. Who really cares? Bono's gesture in the
R & H film involving the crucifix was just a simple gesture. I believe
some people in Wire are over-anaylzying Bono's bit with the crucifix in
the film. He's just simply turning tricks with the crucifix cos he's a

U2 and Satanism are like Depeche Mode and real industrial music...they
just don't have the proper connection. Know what I Mean? Plus, Bono is
really the devil incarnated...well maybe it's Dave Gahan!!! Definitely,
one is a Rock N' Roll Starr(BonoSwagger) while the other is a "has-been"



"(K)ill (M)utha (F)uckin' (D)epeche (M)ode is what I"m talkin' bout
these days...Alan Wilder is gone and they're crap!!!!"
                   ---Buck Satan (aka Al-Alien-Alain-Alien DogSTARR-
                      Hypo LuXa-Jourgensen, 1999

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