The usual bollocks...

Nemesis ([email protected])
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 17:24:40 +0000

First off, in reply to Patty Culliton (Re. Other bands talking up U2 (was
Dublin News) who writes:

>The truth is, the most famous thing that is most closely associated
>with -Dublin- *is* U2. Paris has the Eiffel Tower, New York the
>Empire State Building, London Big Ben, etc.

So thats why they had to ban those stag parties from the city centre, its
all U2s fault! Let's kill 'em! And all those moviestars and music people,
they all just wanna live in Killiney so they can live close to Booonnnooooo
;-) Then there's Dell, Compaq/Digital, Microsoft, who all really want to
have their support centres for Europe here, coz maybe they'll catch a
glimpse of Adam driving by...

Seriously though... Dublin has James Joyce just off O'Connell Street, Oscar
Wilde @ Merrion Square, Patrick Kavanagh along the Grand Canal and numerous
other writers who do actually attract an audience. It has all Victorian
style houses that attracts them Brit movie makers to shoot their movies,
portraying old London, here rather than in London, where everything got
bombed down during the war. Dublin has Guinness. Dublin has Jameson. Dublin
has Spanish language tourists. Why? Coz their parents think it more safe
for them in Ireland than somewhere in the UK. Dublin has American Tourists
going back to the 'roots'. "Hey, Im Irish." "Yeah? Why does it say in your
passport your American then?" Sorry, pet hate.
Anyway, to cut a long story short (and trust me, I could go on forever),
yes, U2 have brought a lot of fame to Dublin, and Ireland altogether, but
luckily for me and everyone else that lives in Dublin, the city has a lot
more to offer than just *that* That... them ;-)
Ireland is the second biggest software exporting country after the US.
Ireland has a very good educational system. Irish people speak English.
Ireland is mystic, stunningly beautiful, amazingly contradicting, friendly,
wet and just incredibly charming. And that doesnt have anything to do with
U2, thats just the way she is.

Another thing I wanted to say, someone asked me about the dSIDE mag and
would I be able to get more copies of the one with the interview in it ( ). No, I havent seen any other copies except for the
one I have. BUT. I got an addy, and they do back issues. Funnily enough,
the mags addy is @ the Factory in Barrow Street. As follows:

The Factory,
35A Barrow Street,
Dublin 4 Ireland
Tel: +353-1-668 4966
Fax: +353-1-668 4859
email: [email protected]

They say back issues cost IEP 2.50 but I'd say it'd be a bit more than that
if you live outside Ireland.

Anyhow, just a random thought... Working title for the new album.... "The
Knitting Factory".

Ta ta,

      'He took it all too far....
        ...but boy could he play guitar...'

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