Re: piss takin'

mullog ([email protected])
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 23:48:08 +0100

"Sooooo, Bono, did you read what Gavin said about you in the Hot Press?",
his eyes turn towards you, I grin, knowing full well what Gavin said. B:
"Uh, no, which one the last one?". My grins broadens "Uh-huh, the Xmas one"
B: "So tell me what it says" ~Hee, hee, youre gonna hate me~ "I had better
not tell". B: "Aw, gowon". Im weak, I give in, besides, I might never get
an opportunity like this again "Welll.... Its, like, you go into town with
Bono and it's like, Who the fuck do you think you are, youre only a dwarf
with an attitude" ~Shazam!~ I grin. He grins. He replies B: "He's *SO*
dead". I like him, he's funny. A few minutes (seconds?) pass and he gets
back with B: "Gavin is a weight-watcher with an attitude" ~Eh?~
"Uuuuhhh.... you can do better than that Bono" B: "I could, but I held
back" ~Pfffftttt.... wimp~

That's it then. The original.
It was sent to Gavins list as well.
I'm sorry if I got personal, I don't care what you call Bono,
or what Bono and Gavin say or do, it's the attitude...
making up things to get a thrill out of it...
right Nico?

Doctor Pelvis (Freak, Ms)

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