Swastikas and Heritage

[email protected]
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 19:29:16 EST

First off, the whole swatika thing, I'd like to refer back to Shakespeare
    "Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." -Hamlet
For those who haven't been required to slave over Hamlet, it means that the
only reason we think of swastikas as evil are because of the assosiation with
the Nazis. Same way that the cross and crucifiction is now associated with
Christianity and Christ, prior to that it was just a common way that Romans
killed criminals.

Next, there are still many people who connect their heritage with who they
are. My grandma still jokes about how her being stingy comes from being
Scottish. I personally consider myself a mut, a little bit of everything, it
makes me special, but it isn't who I am. I don't treat people differently
because of their heritage, and I hope people don't treat me differently
because they think I have a particular cultural heritage.

Just my personal thoughts.

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