U2 MP3's and Q magazine

Mofogirl ([email protected])
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 17:50:03 -0700

Earlier today I visited about 4 U2 websites to download some MP3's, but I
noticed that the ones available were significantly lower. What I mean is
this 1 site used to have 50+ MP3's; today it had 8. It was the same with
the other sites. The owners of these sites are on Wire, because I found
them in the Wireling webring.

I was just wondering if they were told to remove them or else. I could see
if 1 site had a few less, but 4 different sites?

Also, I just bought my first issues of Hot Press and Q magazine. ($7.95 and
$10.95 per issue, respectively). I guess the high import price is why I
haven't bought them before. But the Feb 99 issue of Q, which I'm sure has
been out for over a month already, had an interview with Bono, talking about
his world in 1998. I wasn't expecting that. It was a nice bonus. I bought
some Oscar Wilde books and I could not find any U2 books at all (Chapters in
Calgary: hello?)

Now I have something to read at work! Also, Chapters had 1 more copy of the
Best of & B sides for $30.00. It was limited # 83194 or something. I was
sure they were all sold out.

Bye for now

She hasn't been to bed in a week
She'll be dead soon
Then she'll sleep
last night on earth: U2

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