Re: American tourists in Europe and Dublin's highlights

Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 14:03 +0100 (MET)

                Hi U2 lovers !

     I just want to add some thoughts to Robbie's and Shannon's messages
about Dublin. It's true U2 is the present biggest advertisement of Ireland
for those who know/like rock music. But i can say there are many people who
have no clue about rock bands and don't know at all who is U2 and where they
come from. However, they know very well Dublin/Ireland. They even asked me
(for instance) last year how i could stay only in Dublin for a whole week !
If you talk about Ireland/Dublin with them, they think Yeats, Sheridan,...
really more than U2. In fact, everything depend on your irish culture. As a
rider, i always wanted to go to Ireland (with or without U2) for a ride and
as a french, i always loved irish people, (it's in french cultural
tradition), even if U2 wasn't irish.
        But in my previous message (last friday) i thought about the pain
you can inflict on irish people, because they can think you have no clue
about their culture and/or it can mean you don't care about Dublin/Ireland
if U2 wasn't irish. And it's sad. And it's why they can be angry against you.

        And about the US who say they're Irish/Italian...., maybe they have
to take care about who they talk with. I personally think it's a lack of
tact. They don't have to think the Europeans know perfectly their customs,
languages facilities....

        In the name of love


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