Re: Swastika and how US see French.....:-D

Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 14:34 +0100 (MET)

                        Hi you all !

Shannon gave us this URL:

        I've seen on them a picture of a Swastika cross used by American
Indians. I can say it wasn't the one i know, so i suppose it exists many
forms of Swastika crosses. And the one used by Nazis wasn't at all this one,
neither in this sense, nor in the other sense.

>Isn't there something U2ey to talk about?

        Yes, it's U2related because during the Zooropa tour (Europe 93), the
Nazi cross was shown during BTBS, as many of you already know...

        Here are some accounts from American tourists in Paris/France.....

Shannon wrote:
>Paris -- rude people
>No offense Karine, or anyone else in France. But it is a thought amongst some
>Americans that French people are rude. I can't make him think differently.

        Well, it's not the first time i hear this. :-D In fact, it's all
misunderstanding. We have here many rules for public and social behaviour
and of course, the foreigners usually don't know them at all. So, you can
guess they do nothing at all as we want them to. So, they can make us easily
very angry. But don't panic, we're not monsters ! ;-))
It's also foreign tourists are in holidays when they come here and the
french they can meet are often at work, so they're not very patient with
foreigners...Just one thing, the french drivers are really rude, even with
other frenchs. Like they turned to Mr Hyde when they take their car. Well,
instead of thinking french are rude, try to think french have a bad
character, it's closest to reality :-D.

Lilith wrote:
>Paris - drag race (no it's nothing to do with Princess Di - I was in a taxi
>in Paris that could have given the Concorde a run for its money)

        Well, sometimes, there are no real reasons for driving fastly. Maybe
it's a habit...

Timothy wrote:
>4. France: The sulking teenager who doesn't even want to be at the
>family reunion in the first place: France is a member of NATO, the Allied
>forces, etc., but never quite cooperates with policy initiatives.
>AMerica, UK, Germany, etc. have to threaten to "ground" France if it
>doesn't cooperate, so then it always comes around in the end. Totally
>arrogant country, but with good reason: the French have the most beautiful
>language, are the best lovers, make the best food, have the best taste,
>and they KNOW it, damn it! Best export: Boursin pepper cheese.

        Just to say France belongs only to Allied forces and not to NATO.
Because we (aka french state) don't want to comply to US foreign policy
because we often disagree. Also because we want our freedom and because we
feel USA (aka the state) as a dictator who treat its allied like inferiors
or children who must obey to their parents. And we often think USA act like
unconscious teenagers...
Another thing: don't say french people are arrogant, it just prove you don't
know us at all. I'd rather like you to say we're easily contemptuous, which
is not the same thing. Because many french feel US like very bad-mannered
people. Just think about the cultural differences...And it's why i like Wire
because we learn to see foreigners as they're really and not as we think
they are.

        Well, i didn't know you know Boursin cheese ! ;-)

        In the name of love


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