DVD question... (no U2 content really)

Will Sandstad ([email protected])
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 22:20:26

Ok, not much U2 content except I wish U2 had some DVD's. But my question is
this, I know DVD's look better than VHS tapes, but if I buy a DVD player,
and then sometime in the future I buy a HDTV (high definition) TV, will the
DVD player have certain "holes" or flaws that the current VHS format has. I
dont know, maybe I am thinking too much cause the Vikings lost. But if this
makes any sense and you can help, please gimme an email. :o) Thanks,


"Uncertainty can be the guiding light" -U2

  Will Sandstad
  8921 Knollwood Dr.
  Eden Prairie, MN 55347
  email: [email protected]

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