My new U2 shirts!

Nikki ! ([email protected])
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 18:55:30 PST

Guess what, guess what, GUESS WHAT?!?

I got 2 -count 'em, TWO- new U2 shirts in the mail today!

First, I got home from class at 'bout 10 this morning. There was a
package for me sitting on the kitchen counter. I *ripped* that baby
open and it was my very own Rattle & Hum shirt! I scoped out the was clear! Quiet and no one around. So I whipped off my old
shirt right there and put on my new one, faster than you can say "It's a
musical journey."

Then, after skippin' my math class and goin' to Ross with my friend
Natalie, I came home and crashed (I sound like such a bum. Well...maybe
that's 'cause I AM! hehe). Just 5 minutes ago, I was awoken by my mom
sayin', "Wake up, sleepyhead. You got another package in the mail..."
Ooh ooh ooh! I *leapt* up from the chair, wiped the drool off the side
of my face and ripped open the second package. It was my Achtung Baby
shirt!!! WOOOOOOOO HOO! I did a little victory dance, showed my mom,
showed my stepdad, did another victory dance, then said goodbye to mom
and stepdad who were off to an appointment or somethin'. Then...I
scoped out the was clear! I whipped off my Rattle & Hum
shirt and put on my Achtung Baby one, faster than you can say "Ambition
bites the nails of success!" YEAH BABY!

If you wanna be a happy camper like me, go to *ebay*. That's where I
got these shirts. And....I've got *2* more on the way! A One shirt and
an old Joshua Tree shirt. :) I know, I know- this may seem overboard;
4 stinkin' U2 shirts at once (my parents think I'm insane, spending my
money irresponsibly, yadda yadda yadda. Oh *whatever*), but...well...
I've never owned any U2 shirts, up until is pretty
damn cool!!! I'm stoked, baby. Besides...I could be spendin' my moo-la
on a much worse addiction, like drugs, parents should be stoked
too, baby. ;)

Later y'all--

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