trade problem

Graham Knap ([email protected])
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 08:35:45 -0500

Hi everyone

I really wish I didn't have to post this.

A week before Christmas I arranged a trade with Erik Fisher
<[email protected]>. His address is in Rochester, NY.

It was not a large trade - I copied the Nov 10th SFX interview to half
decent tapes (Maxell XLII) and mailed them to him, asking for US$5 in
return to cover media and postage. You should be able to see that I
didn't intend to make money on this.

For anyone who has traded with me, you know that if you're buying
something from me I will often just send the item right away so that you
spend less time waiting. In all cases I have received payment in an
appropriate amount of time, held back only by the postal service.

I have not received payment from Erik, nor have I been able to contact
him via email.

Keep your eyes open - If you're dealing with someone who has a Hotmail
addy and is in Rochester, email me and we will compare complete mailing

Erik, if you're reading this, maybe it's time to e-mail me, eh?

Bye for now...

Graham Knap
2nd year Eng Sys/Comp - U of Guelph

As a side note I would like to post some positive feedback for Gwen
Sampson and Quinn Collard. They have both been honest, prompt, and
patient in trading.

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