Rattle andHum also had some editing mistakes

J ([email protected])
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:02:30 -0800 (PST)

Well, at least one. There is a second or two in Angel of Harlem where
the strumming of Edge isn't synchronized with the music. He goes to F
whn the music is playing C then goes to C when the music is playing F.
 What makes this a little more obvious is that Bono (in the background
and barely within sight - only the widescreen version may catch that)
starts singing when there really is no vocals yet.

I just hope none of you ultra fanatic people who defend U2 up to the
last drop of your blood will flame me for this and say that it was
just an artistic style of the director. "Bad" was artistic with the
slo mo style but not Angel Of Harlem. It was a retty straightforward
version for me and I would have to say that little part was really an
editing mistake.



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