Edge's Top 5 (or so...)

Kevin Christopher Boneberg ([email protected])
Tue, 26 Jan 1999 10:52:27 -0600 (CST)

Talk about Random Thoughts-->
Edge is not good because he has the best riffs--he's good because he can
take the lyrics and punch them through a guitar. If you look at the
following solos in tandem with the lyric, you should get the same amount
of goose bumps that I get.

With that in mind, Here are my Top 5 Guitar (feeling-like) Solos and Why:

1. All I Want Is You
-->this is his most beautiful work. An explosive ending to a beautiful song
makes you feel the struggle in this song's lyric. And, yet, it's so simple.

2. Mysterious Ways (ZooTV Outside Broadcast)
-->I remember one of the band members saying that much of what Edge was
going through in his divorce came out in Achtung Baby. I think Edge put it
all in this song's solo, in concert at least. It gives me chills every

3. Love Is Blindness
-->This should probably be number one, if for nothing else other than the
ONLY song, which without words, would still say the same.

4. Bullet the Blue Sky (ZooTv version)
-->El Salvador, six strings, an amp and the truth!

5. Exit (Rattle and Hum live)
-->Just a rockin' solo that brings the confusion, evil and irony of the
song to an intense crescendo.

Honorable Mentions (you think I could fit 'em all in in 5?!):
11 O'Clock Tick-Tock (live), Hawkmoon 269, LNOE (live-sonically similar to
Exit's) and, of course, Tomorrow.

kcb-->wondering what's go great about the Barrier Reef?

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