When I was so messed up, that I heard Oprah in my head!

Angela L. ([email protected])
Tue, 26 Jan 1999 15:37:23 CST

Hey Wirelings!

Sorry-I know this is kind of a dumb reason for posting...


I've been listening to "Ultra Violet (Light My Way)" a LOT lately,
and...I know it's "opera" in the song, but does anyone else always think
of "Oprah" when they hear that part???!! I mean, GEEZ...it's so
fitting, don't you think?! I'd definitely consider myself to be "messed
up" if I heard Oprah in my head. She is one annoying woman!
It wouldn't be so bad if she could get that constant hair-flipping of
hers under control! Hahaha!

Ok...that's it. Just my thought of the day.

Hey, you know what else? I work at Ticketmaster, and there's this HUGE
U2 poster hanging on the wall in there. Think I should try to "borrow"
it?! Hehehe. I wish I could...it's SO COOL!

OK...enough of my rambling.


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